Fast-Emerging Authoritative News Source In The World Of Retail And Ecommerce Enters Pre-Seed Round
Retail Bum is looking to further grow its platform by expanding on its existing content team. With any raised funding, we would like to increase the volume of our daily distributed content, break into new categories within retail and commerce and develop innovative products that resonate with our reader base.
Why Retail Bum?
In just over 12 months, Retail Bum has quickly garnered readership among top C-level executives in the retail and eCommerce industry. The platform is not just an outlet that reports on the latest news and trends, but it has become a venue for intelligent discussions among industry leaders, ranging from retailers from a variety of verticals and technology and payments providers.
If you would like to play a bigger role in Retail Bum’s growth or would simply like to learn more, please email our co-founder and CEO at